22 Days Uganda Rwanda Birding Safari

While other East African Countries are famous for wildlife safaris, many naturalists would argue that Uganda and Rwanda offer an experience that is more diverse, exceptional and breathtaking with Interior Safaris East Africa

To a bigger extent the Mountain Gorillas may be the most exciting wildlife encounter which the African continent has to offer and the two countries we are featuring this time are best known for captivating birding encounters and timeless scenery, as this tour takes you the valley of the upper Nile Murchison falls National Park, the vast savannas of Queen Elizabeth National Park and many smaller sanctuaries protecting lakes rainforest and volcanic landscapes hold more species of plants, primates, birds and other animals than any comparable region on the continent. Our goal on this trip is to explore and understand this richness in the company of an exceptional naturalist guide, who knows virtually all of the birds by vocalization and sight, and has superb vision for finding distant mammals.

He is a charismatic leader who is known and respected throughout Uganda and Rwanda. In two weeks we will sample all the major habitats of Uganda and Rwanda. Our emphasis will be on seeing and photographing as many birds and animals as possible, but we will also enjoy the hospitality of many friendly people representing different tribes that will host our stay. Expect early morning starts, opportunities to explore on foot and small hotels and lodges sited close to interesting natural areas.

Most tourists visiting Uganda and Rwanda focus just on the locations where the Mountain Gorillas occur. We will have several chances to see the gorillas close up, but the main emphasis will be active exploration of your naturalist-guide’s favorite sanctuary haunts of other species of birds and animals.

On this Interior safaris East Africa Uganda and Rwanda safari you are going to get all birds, wildlife, magnificent scenery, beautiful and different cultures of the many tribes settling in these two small countries we shall be traversing and we promise the ultimate African experience!

Outlined Itinerary

Day 1: Arrival
Day 2: Birding Mabamba And Entebbe Botanical Gardens
Day 3: Birding To Murchison Falls
Day 4: Birding Northern Murchison Falls And Boat Ride To The Bottom Of The Falls
Day 5: Birding To Masindi
Day 6: We Bird To The Royal Mile And Busingiro Forest
Day 7: Transfer As We Bird Enroute To Kibale Forest
Day 8: Birding And Optional Chimp Tracking In Kibale Forest
Day 9: Birding To Semliki National Park
Day 10: Bird Watching Semliki
Day 11: Early Birding As We Transfer To Queen Elizabeth Uganda Park
Day 12: Early Birding Drive And Afternoon Launch Cruise Along The Kazinga Channel
Day 13:Birding To Bwindi
Day 14 & 15: Bird Watching Buhoma And Optional Gorilla Tracking
Day 16: Birding To Ruhija
Day 17: Birding To Mubwindi Swamp
Day 18 & 19: Bird Watching Tour To And In Mgahinga Park Uganda
Day 20, 21 & 22: Birding To And Nyungwe
Day 22: Transfer To Kigali Onwards With A Proposed City Tour Around The Capital Of Rwanda.
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